Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Shumway News!

Our first story today is nothing but good news. My niece Cassidy is home from the hospital. We are so excited to have her home and she is doing incredibly well. We were able to see her last Saturday and spend time with her, Lorin, Janice, Megan and Logan. We sure missed going to their home and seeing them. Janice's home has a wonderful spirit and its very welcoming. I love going to her home. Cassidy still has some challenges to face but she is so strong that nothing gets her down. We sure love that little girl and we know that she has a wonderful spirit, a sweet smile and loving personality.

Our second story is in regards to Kami. A week ago Kami lost her second tooth and was very excited to have the tooth fairy come to see her. Well Neil accidentally threw her tooth away. You see after she pulled it out I put the tooth in a plastic bag to keep safe. Neil was cleaning up that night and grabbed the bag by accident without checking to see what was in it and threw it away. He felt so bad that he gave her $3.00 to make it up to her since the tooth fairy cannot come. She was okay with that and she forgave Neil too.

Our third story is a sad one. Four days ago, Friday night, Devan went over to our neighbors house to play when he was bit by their dog in the face. Our neighbors daughter came to get me saying that Devan was hurt and wanted me. She said he hurt his eye. Well I just thought he fell on some ice and jabbed himself in the eye. When I got over there I could hear him screaming and he was covered in blood. I of coarse was hysterical, asking them what happened to my child. Michelle (the neighbor) said that Devan was petting the dog when he turned on him and bit him in the face. We took Devan to the E.R. for stitches and a good cleaning but he is going to be okay. I don't know how he will feel about dogs now but only time will tell. As for the dog, out neighbors are getting rid of him so that no other children get hurt again.


Melvin and Carly said...

We're so glad that Cassidy is home and doing well. Hooray!

And wow! Kami really scored on that tooth. If I were her, I'd try to concoct ways for my next teeth to get thrown away too!

Scary about Devan and the dog! He would certainly have good reason to be nervous around dogs in the future. Glad his eye is okay and hope he is emotionally okay too.

Brant and Jana said...

Oh I hope Devan is okay that is so scary!!! I'm glas Cassidy is home too!

Natalie said...

Nice score on the tooth again Kam-Kam!

Devan I'm sorry you got bit by the dog. Glad you are okay!

Joanna told me about the dog bite a few days ago- how scary. I'm glad the owners were responsible and have decided to let go of the dog, even though I'm sure that was a hard decision for them.

Tessa Marie said...

I'm so glad Cassidy is home!

If I were Kami, I'd forgive Neil if he gave me $3 for my tooth too ;)

That's so scary Devan got bit by a dog! I'm glad he's ok and the owners decided to get rid of the dog, just to be safe. Poor kid!